Plumbing Guides

Plumbing Guides

Choosing the Right Air Conditioner for YOU!

By |March 11th, 2020|Categories: Plumbing Guides, Uncategorized|

The choice and size of the air conditioner for your home or business is extremely important to the future operational life and energy efficiency of the system. Why then do so many people allow quotes to be completed over the phone or by people that have not looked at what needs to be achieved? Why buy a system because it came with some steak knives? There are 4 main questions you should ask yourself when choosing air conditioning for your house. 1. What am I trying to achieve? This question needs to be asked because if you can’t look

Ducted Air Conditioner Return Paths, Vents and Filters

By |March 11th, 2020|Categories: Plumbing Guides, Uncategorized|

When installing a ducted air conditioner in your home or office, the positioning of the return vent is critical in the design of the system. The return vent is normally the positioning of your return filters as well which can greatly influence how the system operates. Poorly positioned return vents can hinder the return path of the air being returned too the system for filtration and recooling which can greaty decrease energy efficiency or create “wind tunnel” like effects inside the building. If you have 1000 litres a second of air all trying to rush down a hallway to

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