

What’s the Big Deal about Servicing?

By |March 4th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Air conditioners are like cars and must be properly maintained to ensure that their projected lifespan is achieved and that they do not cost you a massive amount in utilities to run. Dirty air conditioners are not energy efficient and can use up to 5 times their normal power consumption when they are not able to get rid of heat due to blocked condensers or filters. These systems have an oil inside which lubricates parts and if they get too hot from running flat out for long periods, this oil will burn, just like in your car. Once this happens,

Getting Ready for Summer

By |March 4th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Summer is arguably one of the best times of the year – already we are pulling out our thongs, dusting off the beach gear and getting ready to enjoy all the good things Summer brings with it!  However, aside from pulling out the fake-tan and boardies, there are some more important things that should be done in the lead-up to Summer: Check your flyscreens for tears/holes As the weather gets hotter, the amount of flying insects increases.  To be able to best take advantage of any breezes you will want to be able to have your doors and windows open

It’s Growing – Get me out of Here!

By |March 4th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

While your air conditioner is working hard at pulling the humidity out of the air you live in, it is also providing an ideal breeding ground for dangerous growth. This is not a reason to avoid your air conditioner – in fact quite the opposite!  Get acquainted and show your system a little bit of love, especially during and after this hot, humid time of year. What is mould? Mould is a fungal growth that thrives when the right conditions are present (humid/damp, warm and with a nutrient source – dust, dirt, natural materials).  Mould can grow in many places,

Keep Warm without Burning Money

By |March 4th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Using your reverse cycle a/c to keep you warm during winter need not send you broke.  Contrary to popular talk, reverse cycle a/c units are very energy efficient in their heating operation, however you can save money on your winter heating costs with just a few simple common sense steps: If you wish to leave the a/c on overnight to stop the house getting that icy chill, lower the temperature on the unit by 2-4 degrees from where you normally have it set.  This will stop your house dropping into the chilly zone, but will not be working to keep

Australian Standards say Enough is Enough

By |March 12th, 2020|Categories: General Plumbing, Uncategorized|

One of the most confusing things about choosing the right air conditioner for your house or room is “What size should I get”? You go and get a few quotes and they all come back with different information and different sizes of cooling capacity? So how do you know what is right for you? The introduction of Inverter air conditioners into Australia was brought about by the need to reduce the massive amount of amperage being drawn by air conditioners in peak times across the day and to reduce the running costs. The power companies were continually needing to

Choosing the Right Air Conditioner for YOU!

By |March 11th, 2020|Categories: Plumbing Guides, Uncategorized|

The choice and size of the air conditioner for your home or business is extremely important to the future operational life and energy efficiency of the system. Why then do so many people allow quotes to be completed over the phone or by people that have not looked at what needs to be achieved? Why buy a system because it came with some steak knives? There are 4 main questions you should ask yourself when choosing air conditioning for your house. 1. What am I trying to achieve? This question needs to be asked because if you can’t look

Ducted Air Conditioner Return Paths, Vents and Filters

By |March 11th, 2020|Categories: Plumbing Guides, Uncategorized|

When installing a ducted air conditioner in your home or office, the positioning of the return vent is critical in the design of the system. The return vent is normally the positioning of your return filters as well which can greatly influence how the system operates. Poorly positioned return vents can hinder the return path of the air being returned too the system for filtration and recooling which can greaty decrease energy efficiency or create “wind tunnel” like effects inside the building. If you have 1000 litres a second of air all trying to rush down a hallway to

Insurance and Air Conditioners

By |March 11th, 2020|Categories: General Plumbing, Uncategorized|

Everyday we are contacted at Redsell by people that have had air conditioners break down due to electrical faults or motor burn outs inside their compressor. It is often very sad when you need to inform a person that a system cannot be repaired as the manufacturer has discontinued the required parts and only then do you find out that they do not have the right level of insurance cover. Many newer systems these days are Inverter units which are variable speed units to help them be more energy efficient. The compressor has a range of speeds it can

Clean Your Air Con to Save Money

By |March 11th, 2020|Categories: General Plumbing, Uncategorized|

The regular maintenance of your air conditioner is an important part of saving money on the running cost of your system. The build up of dust and dirt on the system increases the amount of energy it uses while shortening its lifespan and increasing the cost for repairs. The fan unit pictured shows the build up that can be found on many fans, increasing their weight and reducing air flow. A well maintained system should be expected to last a minimum of 10 years but many people feel that servicing a system is not required. We look after our

Safer than Sorry – Smoke Alarms Save Lives

By |March 10th, 2020|Categories: General Plumbing, Uncategorized|

All houses in Queensland are required to be fitted with smoke alarms, but just ticking a box to say “done” is not enough to ensure the safety of your family. The typical detector installed in the majority of homes works via ‘ionisation‘, however studies show that these detectors generally only give a few minutes notice in the event of a serious house fire due to their operational technology. Photoelectric detectors operate in a different manner, and are able to detect fires whilst in the smouldering stage, giving critical additional warning time.   They are also less likely to be set

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